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1CEB90 Series Counterbalance Cartridge Valves, Up To 4000 PSI & 23 GPM

Application Overcenter valves give static and dynamic control of loads by supplying a counterbalance pressure to the actuator. They prevent runaway in the event of hose burst and hold the load with minimal leakage. Single overcenter valves control unidirectional loads such as in aerial platforms, cranes or winches and dual overcenters are suited to bi-directional motion such as wheel motor applications or cylinders going over center.
Cartridge Model 1CEB90, sold separately.
Features Cartridge is economical and fits simple cavity. Allows quick, easy field service - reduces down time. Interchangeable with pilot check valve of a similar size. The pressure balanced valve is unaffected by back pressure, allowing service line reliefs to operate and for the valve to be used in regenerative or proportional valve systems.
Housing A12336 cavity, sold separately.
Installation 44 lbs-ft torque cartridge into cavity. Unrestricted mounting position.
Pilot Ratios 4:1 Best suited for applications where load varies and machine structure can induce instability. Other ratios available upon request.
Recommended Filtration BS5540/4 Class 18/13 (25 micron nominal).
Specifications 23 gpm rated flow. 4000 psi max load induced pressure, 5000 psi max relief pressure. CAUTION: Pressures over 3000 psi require a steel housing. -22°F to +194°F operating temperature range. 5 drops per minute max internal leakage. Based on oil temperature of 104°F and 150 SSU.
