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Flare & Inverted Flare Nuts

Dive into our extensive range of Brass Tube Fittings, carefully curated for industrial hydraulic requirements. Our assortment of Flare & Inverted Flare Nuts delivers high precision and dependable functionality. We offer a variety from 0.19-inch to 0.63-inch tube OD fittings, incorporating inverted flare and short flare nuts across diverse thread sizes to accommodate varied requirements. Our range extends from 5/8-18 thread to 7/8-14 thread long flare nuts, ensuring robust connections and consistent reliability. The adaptability of our flare nuts is tailored to suit your distinct needs. Explore our collection of superior flare and inverted flare nuts, crafted for an optimal fit with your hydraulic systems. Navigate through our array today to locate the perfect fix for your industrial hydraulic necessities.