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1CEV90 Series Counterbalance Cartridge Valves, Up To 4000 PSI & 23 GPM

Application Single overcenter valves are normally used when the load is unidirectional, for example an aerial platform or crane and dual overcenter valves are used for controlling loads in both directional for motor applications or for cylinders going over center.
Cartridge Model 1CEV90, sold separately.
Features Overcenter valves give static and dynamic control of loads by regulating the flow into and out of hydraulic actuators. The check section allows free flow into the actuator then holds and locks the load against movement. The pilot assisted relief valve section will give controlled movement when pilot pressure is applied.
Flow Rating 23 GPM
Housing Cavity size C-12-3S, sold separately.
Pilot Ratios 4:1 Best suited for applications where load varies and machine structure can induce instability. 8:1 Best suited for applications where the load remains relatively constant.
Pressure Rating 4000 PSI (CAUTION: Pressures over 3000 PSI require steel housing)
Recommended Filtration 18/13
Temperature Range -22° to +194°F
